Energy and Power Engineering

  • Engine Research Institute
  • The Research Center of Power Machinery
  • Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering
  • Institute of Thermal Engineering
  • Institute of Turbomachinery
  • Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering
  • Shuli Liu


    Shuli Liu


    Professor / Doctoral Supervisor


    School of Mechanical Engineering


    Energy and Power Engineering

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    Qiushi Building 220

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    Research Interests

    1. Application of renewable energy and sustainable technology;

    2. PCM thermal energy storage

    3. Thermal chemical energy storage

    4. Building energy performance (materials, construction and lifecycle, etc.)

    5. Low carbon behaviors of occupiers and operators

    Publication and Project Lists

    Selected Journal Publications:

    [1] Sun L, Zhang T, Liu S*, Wang K, Rogers T, Yao L, et al. Reducing energy consumption and pollution in the urban transportation sector: A review of policies and regulations in Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;285.IF: 9.297, Q1

    [2] Zeng C, Liu S*, Shukla A, Yang L, Han X, Shen Y. Numerical modelling of the operational effects on the thermochemical reactor performance. Energy and Buildings. 2021;230.IF: 5.879, Q1

    [3] Shen Y, Liu S*, Mazhar AR, Han X, Yang L, Yang Xe. A review of solar-driven short-term low temperature heat storage systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2021;141.IF: 14.982, Q1

    [4] Han X, Liu S*, Zeng C, Yang L, Shukla A, Shen Y. Investigating the performance enhancement of copper fins on trapezoidal thermochemical reactor. Renewable Energy. 2020;150:1037-46.IF: 8.001, Q1

    [5] Mazhar AR, Liu S*, Shukla A. Experimental study on the thermal performance of a grey water heat harnessing exchanger using Phase Change Materials. Renewable Energy. 2020;146:1805-17 IF: 8.001, Q1

    [6] Zeng C, Liu S*, Yang L, et al. Investigation of a Three-phase Thermochemical Reactor through an Experimentally Validated Numerical Modelling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 162:114223.IF: 5.295Q1

    [7] Shukla A, Liu S*, Gaterell M, Wood G, Day R, Iweka O, et al. Implementing an integrated meter and sensor system (IMSS) in existing social housing stock. Energy and Buildings. 2019;182:274-86. (IF:5.879, Q1)

    [8] Mazhar AR, Liu S*, Shukla A. An optimizer using the PSO algorithm to determine thermal parameters of PCM: A case study of grey water heat harnessing. International Journal Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019;144. IF:5.584, Q1

    [9] Yang L, Liu S*, Zheng H. A comprehensive review of hydrodynamic mechanisms and heat transfer characteristics for microencapsulated phase change slurry (MPCS) in circular tube. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2019;114.IF: 14.982, Q1

    [10] L. Sun, S. Wang, S. Liu*, A completive research on the feasibility and adaptation of shared transportation in mega-cities – A case study in Beijing, Applied Energy, Vol.230, 15, P1014-1033IF: 9.746, Q1

    Selected Patents:

    • Heater can with midway baffle, GB1305613.0, 27/03/2013

    • Heater can with internal return for element, GB1305617.1, 27/03/2013

    • Heater can with PCM material to assist with mechanical shutdown, GB1314203.9, 08/08/2013

    Selected Projects:

    National Natural Science Foundation of China, Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanism of a Novel Ventilation Wall Combing Bi-directional Heat Pipe and PCM, 2022.01-2025,12, PI

    UKIERI-DST Partnership Development Workshops, Sustainable cooling technologies and energy efficiency, £14,548, 2020, PI

    Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, Global Fellowships, Incorporation of Thermoelectric Generator into Advanced Glazing Systems and Vacuum Glazing Systems, £289k, 2019, Co-I

    Newton Fund, Researcher Links Workshop Grant, UK-China, ‘Investigation of the Impact of Occupant Behavior on Building Performance in the UK and China’ (£41k), 2019, PI

    Fund Networking Grant Scheme, Academy of Medical Sciences Global Challenges Research Developing Self-powering Residential Houses for South, South East and East Asia’ (£24.6k), 08,2018 ~ 08, 2019, UK-PI

    Newton Fund, Researcher Links Workshop Grant, UK-China, ‘Building energy and technology perspective in China and UK’ (£41.2k), 04, 2017~01, 2018, PI

    Newton Fund, Researcher Links Workshop Grant, UK-China, ‘Innovative Building Renewable Energy and Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Technologies’ (£41.2k), 04, 2017~01, 2018, CO-I

    Newton Fund, Researcher Links Workshop Grant, UK-Turkey, ‘Recent Advances in energy conservation techniques for buildings: from micro scale to urban level’ (£43.2k), 02,2017~01, 2018, PI

    EPSRC, ‘an intelligent digital household network to transform low carbon lifestyles’, EP/K002716/1

    Case for Support to the EPSRC (BuildTEDDI) (£1.06m), 12, 2012~01, 2018, PI

    Coventry University with Orbit Group Ltd PhD Studentship, The use of ambient intelligence (AmI) to improve safety in kitchens in assisted living homes’ (£84.0 k), 01, 2018~01, 2021, PI

    Coventry University PhD Studentship, ‘Novel interaction method with end-users for energy behavior transition’ (£84.0 k), 01, 2017~01, 2020, PI

    Coventry University PhD Studentship, ‘Active living envelopes driven by solar energy stored with PCM’ (£84.0 k), 10, 2016~10, 2019, CO-I

    Coventry University PhD Studentship, ‘Development of a non-industrial waste water heat recovery/storage unit’ (£84.0 k), 10, 2015~10, 2018, PI

    KEEN Funding,Energy, economic and environmental investigation of a novel asphalt reuse system’ (£62k), 01, 2014~07, 2015, PI

    R&D project with Triton Shower and Egyptian Government Scholarship, ‘Investigation of an alternative water heating methods’ (£102.32 k), 04, 2010~04, 2014, PI

    KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships) with Orbit Group Ltd: ‘“passive” carbon neutral model for new build housing and for application to the retrofitting of different existing house types’(£300 k), 10, 2010~10, 2013, PI

    Coventry University PhD Studentship, ‘Air-multiple PCMs for the free cooling and ventilation of buildings’ (£68.6k), 01, 2011~01, 2015, PI

    Tata Steel, ‘Innovation of smart pipe and tube’ (£20k), 04, 2013~12, 2013, PI

    National Natural Science foundation of China funded visiting academic: ‘Smart meters and sensors for the energy management of tall buildings’ (£20k), 07, 2013~01, 2014, PI

    Ground Source Heat Pump Practical Performance Research, MSc research project funded by the industry partner orbit housing group (£1 k), 01, 2011~01, 2012, PI

    Research Sabbatical Fellowship (RSF) ‘Research on the PCM storage on the application of building’, (£6 k), 09, 2011~ 01, 2012, PI

    INDEX Funding Voucher, work with domestic heating manufacturer (£6 k), 2009, PI

    ARF Funding for research cooperation between the Coventry University and Chongqing University, ‘Solar driven desiccant cooling technology’ (£3 k), 2009, PI

    Coventry University-China PhD Studentships funded by China Scholarship Council, ‘Thermal performance analysis of a PCM combined solar chimney system for natural ventilation and heating/cooling’ (£76 k), 01, 2010~01, 2014, PI

    PhD Research Work (Oct, 2005~Jun, 2008) and visiting scholar (Jan, 2005 –Jul, 2005), School of built environment, University of Nottingham, UK; ‘A novel heat recovery/desiccant cooling system’, Part of DTI fund (Department for Trade & Industry), 10, 2005~04, 2008, CO-I

    ‘Optimal study of the heat and mass exchanger in an innovative evaporative cooling system’, Case for Support to the New Researchers’ Fund Nottingham University, 08, 2006~08, 2007, CO-I

    Masters Research Work (Sep, 2002~Dec, 2004), Faculty of the Urban Construction and Environment Engineering, University of Chongqing, China. ‘Observing and evaluation of the thermal environment and air quality in mountain city’, NSFC, 09, 2002~12, 2004, CO-I

    Professional Services

    Membership of CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers), of ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers), IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), and WSSET (World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies)

    Journal Reviewers and editors: Journals reviewers: Applied Thermal Engineering’, ‘Renewable & Sustainable Energy’, ‘Applied Energy’, ‘Energy’, ‘Building and Environment’, ‘Energy and Buildings’, ‘Indoor and Environment’, ‘International Journal of Green Energy’ and ‘International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies’ and ‘Environmental progress and sustainable energy’, etc. and Journal guest editors: International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies’ and Journal of Environmentally Sustainable Buildings, ‘Advances in Mechanical Engineering’ and ‘Journal of Engineering’

    Proposal reviewers: EPSRC, ESRC, Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation proposal reviewer; PhD degree examiner for Loughborough University, Brunel University, University of Hull, University of Nottingham and Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, INDIA, ; China, Review expertise for ‘the 13th Five-Year’ National Science and Technology Major Project of China.