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  • CIPnet - Erasmus+ CBHE Project
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  • CIPnet – China Intellectual Property Management Network Online Training Platform

    Project description

    The CIPnet project is implemented in China as a Joint action and its general objective is promoting the modernization and harmonization of Intellectual Property Management practices in the higher education system, with a view to enhance university-industry collaborations and contribute to economic and social development.

    On-line Training Platform

    The CIPnet project offers free of charge learning modules related to specific questions regarding IPmanagement at universities.

    The separate learning modules consist of recordedlectures illustrated by power point presentations and completed with several self-assessment questions and quizzes.

    The CIPnet learning platform is open to everyone at any time and any place. The registration itself is fast and simple. During the registration process users will receive individual password what gives the possibility to stop the learning module, return at any time as well as to select other learning modules.

    The five trainings on IP basics, Technology transfer, IP commercialization, IP licensing and Spin -off creation with focus on universities areavailable!

    Learning Modules List

    Intellectual Property Management as a process

    This learning module introduces the Intellectual Property Management from the perspective of the process.

    An Introduction to IP

    This course provides users with the basics of intellectual property, standards of protection and obligations established in international conventions, innovation policies, implication for practice and some other areas.

    Principles of Technology Transfer

    In this course users will be provided with the necessary knowledge about technology transfer and commercialization given from the management perspective. The course consists of ten short modules focusing on fundamental elements of the TT process.

    Financing requirements and financing plan for a spin-off company

    The main objective of the training is to obtain knowledge about the valuation of a spin-off company, identify the sources of financing available (depending on the needs of the company) and negotiating with potential investors.

    Licensing IP rights. Focus on universities.

    This learning module deals with the importance of the license agreements for universities. It starts with brief explanation of possible ways of transferring and acquiring knowledge in academic environment. Secondly, it presents basic conditions and legal terminology used in license contracts as well as commonly recognized license types and their practical impact. Finally, the third part deals with the license structure and contains several examples of license clauses.